- 航运专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 瓮 jar
- 瓮 jar
- 连带责任 joint and several liability
- 连带责任 joint and several liability
- 海船之共有 joint ownership of seagoing vessel
- 海船之共有 joint ownership of seagoing vessel
- 联合运价 joint rate
- 联合运价 joint rate
- 联营协定 Joint Service Agreement
- 联营协定 Joint Service Agreement
- 会同检验;联合公证 joint survey
- 会同检验;联合公证 joint survey
- 重级油轮 jumbo tanker
- 重级油轮 jumbo tanker
- 管辖权条款 jurisdiction clause
- 管辖权条款 jurisdiction clause
- 处分权 jus disponendi
- 处分权 jus disponendi
- 契约第三人权益 jus tertice
- 契约第三人权益 jus tertice
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