- 航运专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 熏染损;腐损;污损 tain or taining damage
- 熏染损;腐损;污损 tain or taining damage
- 进港引水人上船 taking inward pilot {= TIP}
- 进港引水人上船 taking inward pilot {= TIP}
- 装船情况 tale quale or tel quel {= TQ}
- 装船情况 tale quale or tel quel {= TQ}
- 理货员 tally clerk; tally sheet; tallyclerk; tallyman
- 理货员 tally clerk; tally sheet; tallyclerk; tallyman
- 理货单 tally sheet
- 理货单 tally sheet
- 理货 tally; tallying
- 理货 tally; tallying
- 油舱计量表;水舱计量表 tank scale
- 油舱计量表;水舱计量表 tank scale
- 柜舱检验 tank survey
- 柜舱检验 tank survey
- 油轮载货证券 tanker B/L
- 油轮载货证券 tanker B/L
- 油轮船东油污责任自愿协定 tanker owner's voluntary agreement concerning for oil pollution {= TOVACOP}; tanker owner's agreement concerning liability for oil pollution {= TOVALOP}
- 油轮船东油污责任自愿协定 tanker owner's voluntary agreement concerning for oil pollution {= TOVACOP}; tanker owner's agreement concerning liability for oil pollution {= TOVALOP}
- 皮重及耗损 tare and tret
- 皮重及耗损 tare and tret
- 皮重 tare; tare weight
- 皮重 tare; tare weight
- 运价报备 tariff filing
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