- 航运专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 车船直接转装 direct carloading
- 直接成本 direct cost
- 直接成本 direct cost
- 污秽货 dirty cargo
- 污秽货 dirty cargo
- 污油 dirty oil
- 污油 dirty oil
- 污油油轮 dirty ship
- 污油油轮 dirty ship
- 污秽货舱 dirty space
- 污秽货舱 dirty space
- 重油船;污油船;污油轮 dirty tanker
- 重油船;污油船;污油轮 dirty tanker
- 垫款佣金 disbursements commission
- 垫款佣金 disbursements commission
- 卸货港 discharging port; port of discharge
- 卸货港 discharging port; port of discharge
- 变色 discoloration; discolouration
- 变色 discoloration; discolouration
- 差别待遇 discrimination
- 差别待遇 discrimination
- 可原谅;可免除 dispensability
- 可原谅;可免除 dispensability
- 自由托运 dispensation
- 自由托运 dispensation