- 航运专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 仓库收货单;场埠收货单;码头收货单 dock receipt
- 碇泊费;入坞费 dockage
- 碇泊费;入坞费 dockage
- 航段主义 doctrine of stages
- 航段主义 doctrine of stages
- 物权文件 document of title
- 物权文件 document of title
- 跟[单]信用状 documentary credit
- 跟[单]信用状 documentary credit
- 国内运输 domestic transport
- 国内运输 domestic transport
- 满载 down to her marks
- 满载 down to her marks
- 吃水检定 draft survey
- 吃水检定 draft survey
- 过解耗损 draftage
- 过解耗损 draftage
- 其他供载 dreading
- 其他供载 dreading
- 搭载他货条款 dreading clause
- 搭载他货条款 dreading clause
- 流程;漂流;漂流物 driftage
- 流程;漂流;漂流物 driftage
- 开航引水人下船 dropping outward pilot {= DOP}
- 开航引水人下船 dropping outward pilot {= DOP}