- 航运专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 货运摊配协定;船东责任互保协会之联营[摊配]协定 pooling agreement
- [气候阻滞]留港 port bound
- [气候阻滞]留港 port bound
- 驻埠船长 port captain
- 驻埠船长 port captain
- 港埠费[用] port charge; port disbursement
- 港埠费[用] port charge; port disbursement
- 港口佣船契约 port charter
- 港口佣船契约 port charter
- 港口拥挤附加费 port congestion surcharge
- 港口拥挤附加费 port congestion surcharge
- 泊港日志 port log
- 泊港日志 port log
- 目的港标志 port mark
- 目的港标志 port mark
- 裁判港 port of adjudication
- 裁判港 port of adjudication
- 进口港 port of entry
- 进口港 port of entry
- 补充港 port of recruit
- 补充港 port of recruit
- 装运港 port of shipment; shipping port
- 装运港 port of shipment; shipping port
- 转口港 port of transhipment
- 转口港 port of transhipment