- 航运专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 仓库理货 pile tally
- 仓库理货 pile tally
- 引水费;引水术 pilotage
- 引水费;引水术 pilotage
- 节合船 pinjoint ship
- 节合船 pinjoint ship
- 风轮式板台货;风轮式垫板货 pinwheel pattern pallet
- 风轮式板台货;风轮式垫板货 pinwheel pattern pallet
- 海盗行为 piracy
- 海盗行为 piracy
- 收货地 place of acceptance
- 收货地 place of acceptance
- 吊板;手扳吊具 platform sling
- 吊板;手扳吊具 platform sling
- 装载律 plilosophy of stowage
- 装载律 plilosophy of stowage
- 毒性货 poisonous cargo
- 毒性货 poisonous cargo
- 麸 pollard
- 麸 pollard
- 分摊期间 pool period
- 分摊期间 pool period
- 货运摊配 pooling
- 货运摊配 pooling
- 货运摊配协定;船东责任互保协会之联营[摊配]协定 pooling agreement