翳风 Wind Screen风 wind scrofula风疮 wind sore中风 wind strike (stroke)中风闭证 wind strike (stroke) block pattern中风口噤 wind strike (stroke) clenched jaw中风脱证 wind strike (stroke) desertion pattern中风痱 wind strike (stroke) disability妊娠中风 wind strike (stroke) in pregnancy中风气塞 wind strike (stroke) qi4 blockage中风口眼歪斜 wind strike (stroke) with deviated eyes and mouth中风痰盛 wind strike (stroke) with exuberant phlegm中风不省人事 wind strike (stroke) with failure to recognize people中风不语 wind strike (stroke) with loss of speech中风舌强不语 wind strike (stroke) with stiffness of the tongue preventing speech风中经络 wind striking the channels and network vessels风劳 wind taxation风泪出 wind tearing风痉 wind tetany风毒 wind toxin风毒入络 wind toxin entering the network vessels风毒证 wind toxin pattern风毒流注 wind toxin streaming sore风弦赤烂 wind ulceration of the eyelid rim风温 wind warmth语际翻译 版权所有
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