- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 下元虚冷 vacuity cold of the lower origin
- 虚寒证 vacuity cold pattern
- 大便虚秘 vacuity constipation
- 虚秘 vacuity constipation
- 老人虚秘 vacuity constipation in the elderly
- 虚痨 vacuity consumption
- 由虚转实 vacuity converting into repletion
- 虚咳喘促 vacuity cough and hasty panting
- 虚聋 vacuity deafness
- 虚脱 vacuity desertion
- 虚损 vacuity detriment
- 大便虚泄 vacuity diarrhea
- 虚泻 vacuity diarrhea
- 虚胀 vacuity distention
- 虚眩 vacuity dizziness
- 下血虚寒 vacuity due to descent of blood
- 虚痢 vacuity dysentery
- 虚痫 vacuity epilepsy
- 虚邪 vacuity evil
- 虚邪贼风 vacuity evil and bandit wind
- 虚陷 vacuity fall
- 虚惫 vacuity fatigue
- 虚火 vacuity fire
- 虚火炼喉 vacuity fire condensing in the throat
- 虚火上炎 vacuity fire flaming upward