- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 上星 Upper Star
- 上脘 Upper Stomach Duct
- 上脘 upper stomach duct
- 足趺 upper surface of the foot
- 足跗 upper surface of the foot
- 趺 upper surface of the foot
- 胕 upper surface of the foot
- 跗 upper surface of the foot
- 上承泣 Upper Tear Container
- 髀 upper thigh
- 上三里 Upper Three Li
- 上齿龋 upper tooth decay
- 上横骨 upper transverse bone
- 上迎香 Upper Welcome Fragrance
- 上风巿 Upper Wind Metropolis
- 上阳关 Upper Yang2 Joint
- 上合阳 Upper Yang2 Union
- 清上蠲痛汤 Upper-Body-Clearing Pain-Alleviating Decoction
- 清上丸 Upper-Body-Clearing Pill
- 清上散 Upper-Body-Clearing Powder
- 清上防风汤 Upper-Body-Clearing Saposhnikovia*& Decoction
- 升提 upraise
- 升提中气 upraise center qi4
- 升提清气 upraise clear qi4
- 升提中焦清气 upraise the clear qi4 of the center burner