化湿和中 transform dampness and harmonize the center化湿和胃 transform dampness and harmonize the stomach芳香化湿 transform dampness with aroma化痞 transform glomus化燥 transform into dryness化火 transform into fire化热 transform into heat化斑 transform macules化痰 transform phlegm化痰利水 transform phlegm and disinhibit water化痰消积 transform phlegm and disperse accumulations化痰消瘿 transform phlegm and disperse goiter化痰消瘀 transform phlegm and disperse stasis化痰散结 transform phlegm and dissipate binds化痰息风 transform phlegm and extinguish wind化痰开窍 transform phlegm and open the orifices化痰软坚 transform phlegm and soften hardness化痰止咳 transform phlegm and suppress cough化腐 transform putridity化气 transform qi4化饮 transform rheum化饮解表 transform rheum and resolve the exterior化滞 transform stagnation化瘀 transform stasis化瘀明目 transform stasis and brighten the eyes语际翻译 版权所有
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