苦丁 Taiwan lettuce台湾马加鰆 Taiwan mackerel台湾堇菜 Taiwan violet把 take取 take饭后服 take after meals代茶饮 take as tea代茶喝 take as tea代茶 take as tea平旦服 take at calm dawn晚服 take at night未发病前服 take before attacks饭前服 take before meals临睡前服 take before sleeping食远服 take between meals冷服 take cold水煎服 take decocted with water煨水服 take decocted with water另炖服 take double-boiled separately冲服 take drenched引饮 take fluids热服 take hot顿服 take in a single dose频服 take in frequent small amounts频饮 take in frequent small doses语际翻译 版权所有
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