小便短少 short voidings of scant urine小便黄短 short voidings of yellow urine呼吸短促不续 short, hasty, discontinuous breathing水蜈蚣 short-leaved kyllinga三荚草 short-leaved kyllinga疟疾草 short-leaved kyllinga岩蒿 short-lobed artemisia川防风 short-lobed ligusticum红钉粑藤 short-plumed clematis矮茎朱砂根 short-stemmed ardisia少气 shortage of qi4胸中气少 shortage of qi4 in the chest少气不能报息 shortage of qi4 with inability to catch one's breath气短 shortness of breath短气 shortness of breath短气乏力 shortness of breath短气倦怠 shortness of breath and fatigue气短声嗄 shortness of breath and hoarse voice气短喘息 shortness of breath and panting肩臂痛 shoulder and arm pain肩背痛 shoulder and back pain肩甲 shoulder blade胛 shoulder blade肩甲痛 shoulder blade pain胛痈 shoulder blade welling-abscess语际翻译 版权所有
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