视小为大 seeing small things as large视直如曲 seeing straight as crooked视直如曲 seeing straight things as crooked视物易色 seeing things in changed colors视物易形 seeing things in changed shape求 seek辨证求因 seek disease causes from patterns identified审证求因 seek the cause from patterns identified阳中求阴 seek yin1 in yang2似明似昧 seeming both conscious and unconscious如丧神守 seeming loss of the spirit's composure沸 seethe心下温温欲吐 seething below the heart with desire to vomit釜沸脉 seething cauldron pulse茅栗 Seguin chinquapin茅栗仁 Seguin chinquapin seed山牡丹 Seguin's argyreia按腧穴的特殊作用选穴 sel ection of points belonging to special groups卷柏 selaginella卷柏 selaginella卷柏 selaginella挑 select拣 select选 select取经配穴 select channels and combine points语际翻译 版权所有
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