风湿性关节炎 rheumatic arthritis风湿热 rheumatic fever风湿性心脏病 rheumatic heart disease风湿性肌炎 rheumatic myelitis风湿性心瓣膜病 rheumatic valvular heart disease风湿 rheumatism风湿病 rheumatism风湿证 rheumatism pattern类风湿性关节炎 rheumatoid arthritis饮 rheum\HALT \NOUN白鹤灵芝 rhinacanthus [twig and leaf]癣草 rhinacanthus [twig and leaf]鼻炎 rhinitis干酪性鼻炎 rhinitis caseous犀 rhinoceros犀黄丸 Rhinoceros Bezoar Pill低密 rhinoceros horn香犀角 rhinoceros horn香犀角 rhinoceros horn犀角 rhinoceros horn犀角地黄汤 Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Decoction犀地清络饮 Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Network-Clearing Beverage犀地清络饮 Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Network-Quickening Beverage犀连承气汤 Rhinoceros Horn and Sichuan Coptis Qi4-Coordinating Decoction [NIS]犀角丸 Rhinoceros Horn Pill语际翻译 版权所有
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