润便滑肠 moisten the stool and lubricate the intestines润肺安心 moistens the lung and quiets the heart涵 moisten\HALT \VERB濡 moisten\HALT \VERB润燥腐腻 moistness, dryness, putridity, and sliminess润容 moisturize the complexion泽肌 moisturize the skin泽 moisturize\HALT \NOUN润 moist\HALT \ADJ, moisten \VERB山薄荷 Moldavian dragon's-head胞 mole痣 mole蛇蝼 mole cricket蝼 mole cricket蝼蛄 mole cricket蝼蛄疖 mole cricket boil寻骨风 mollissima地麻黄 mollugo拉汗果 momordica罗汉果 momordica木鳖子丸 Momordica Pill木鳖根 momordica root地桐子 momordica [seed]木鳖瓜 momordica [seed]木鳖子 momordica [seed]语际翻译 版权所有
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