- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 灵枢.岁露论第七十九 Magic Pivot, Dew of the Year
- 灵枢.淫邪发梦第四十三 Magic Pivot, Dreams Caused by Excesses and Evils
- 灵枢.终始第九 Magic Pivot, End and Beginning
- 灵枢.营卫生会第十八 Magic Pivot, Engenderment and Interaction of Construction and Defense
- 灵枢.小针解第三 Magic Pivot, Explanation [of the Use of] Small Needles
- 灵枢.五十营第十五 Magic Pivot, Fifty Cycles
- 灵枢.五乱第三十四 Magic Pivot, Five Derangements
- 灵枢.逆顺第五十五 Magic Pivot, Flow and Counterflow
- 灵枢.邪气藏府病形第四 Magic Pivot, Forms of Disease from Evil Qi4 in the Bowels and Viscera
- 灵枢.周痹第二十七 Magic Pivot, Generalized Impediment
- 灵枢.热病第二十三 Magic Pivot, Heat Disease
- 灵枢.口问第二十八 Magic Pivot, Inquiry About Statements
- 灵枢.外揣第四十五 Magic Pivot, Judging from the Outside
- 灵枢.寿夭刚柔第六 Magic Pivot, Length of Life and Toughness and Softness
- 灵枢.癫狂第二十二 Magic Pivot, Mania and Withdrawal
- 灵枢.禁服第四十八 Magic Pivot, Memorizing Contraindications
- 灵枢.杂病第二十六 Magic Pivot, Miscellaneous Disease
- 灵枢.卫气行第七十六 Magic Pivot, Movement of Defense Qi4
- 灵枢.天年第五十四 Magic Pivot, Natural Life-Span
- 灵枢.刺节真邪第七十五 Magic Pivot, Needling Divisions, True [Qi4] and Evil [Qi4]
- 灵枢.九宫八风第七十七 Magic Pivot, Nine Palances and Eight Winds
- 灵枢.血络论第三十九 Magic Pivot, On Blood Network Vessels
- 灵枢.胀论第三十五 Magic Pivot, On Distention
- 灵枢.大惑论第八十 Magic Pivot, On Great Confusion
- 灵枢.论勇第五十 Magic Pivot, On Mettle