肝吸虫二方 Liver Fluke Formula~2肝为泪 liver forms tears肝功能 liver function肝主疏泄 liver governs free coursing肝主惊 liver governs fright肝主运动 liver governs physical movement肝主目 liver governs the eyes肝主谋虑 liver governs the making of strategies肝主血海 liver governs the sea of blood肝主筋 liver governs the sinews肝主升发 liver governs upbearing and effusion肝无所藏 liver has nothing to store肝无所藏 liver has nothing to store肝有所藏 liver has something to store肝热 liver heat肝热犯胃 liver heat invading the stomach肝热恶阻 liver heat malign obstruction肝热穴 Liver Heat Point肝热胁痛 liver heat rib-side pain肝热自汗 liver heat spontaneous sweating肝热目昏 liver heat with clouded vision肝者,将军之官,谋虑出焉 liver holds the office of general; it is responsible for making strategies肝痹 liver impediment肝恶风 liver is averse to wind肝司运动 liver is charge of physical movement语际翻译 版权所有
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