女贞根 ligustrum root白腊树子 ligustrum [fruit]女贞子 ligustrum [fruit]爆格蚤 ligustrum [fruit]如 like若 like般 like嗜 like如轻刀刮竹 like a knife slightly scraping bamboo喜热 like heat如按葱管 like pressing a scallion stalk喜按 like pressure如波涛拍岸 like tempestuous billowing waving crashing against the shore如轻刀刮 like the light scraping of a knife好 like to异病同治 like treatment of unlike disease同 like\HALT \ADJ喜 like\HALT \VERB喜冷饮食 liking for cold foods and drinks喜凉 liking for coolness喜凉怕热 liking for coolness and fear of heat喜热喜按 liking for heat and pressure喜热饮食 liking for hot colds and foods喜按喜暖 liking for pressure and warmth喜静 liking for quietness语际翻译 版权所有
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