- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 内眦 inner canthus
- 大眦 inner canthus
- 内庭 Inner Court
- 内膝眼 Inner Eye of the Knee
- 内廉 inner face
- 内养功 inner health-cultivation qi4gong1
- 内昆仑 Inner Kunlun Mountains
- 肩内陵 Inner Mound of Shoulder
- 内关 Inner Pass
- 内观 inner scene
- 股内 Inner Thigh
- 股阴疽 inner thigh flat-abscess
- 股阴痛 inner thigh pain
- 内合谷 Inner Union Valley
- 内迎香 Inner Welcome Fragrance
- 内阳池 Inner Yang2 Pool
- 无名穴 Innominate Point
- 无名肿毒 innominate toxin swelling
- 问 inquire\HALT \VERB; inquiry \NOUN
- 问胸腹 inquiry about chest and abdomen
- 问寒热 inquiry about cold and heat
- 问饮食口味 inquiry about diet and taste in the mouth
- 问头身 inquiry about head and body
- 问耳目 inquiry about hearing and vision
- 问旧病 inquiry about old illnesses