- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 热毒酿成肺痈 heat toxin forming a pulmonary welling-abscess
- 热毒发斑 heat toxin macular eruption
- 热毒下血 heat toxin precipitation of blood
- 热毒赤痢 heat toxin red dysentery
- 爇 heat treatment
- 热浊 heat turbidity
- 烦热 heat vexation
- 胸中烦热 heat vexation in the chest
- 心中烦热 heat vexation in the heart
- 热呕 heat vomiting
- 热耗真阴 heat wearing true yin1
- 热哮 heat wheezing
- 但热不寒 heat without cold
- 寒热 heat [effusion] (fever) and aversion to cold
- 寒热 heat [effusion] (fever) and [aversion to] cold
- 发寒热 heat [effusion] (fever) and [aversion to] cold
- 寒热如疟 heat [effusion] (fever) and [aversion to] cold as in malaria
- 发热夜重 heat [effusion] (fever) becoming more pronounced at night
- 小儿发热 heat [effusion] (fever) in children
- 暮热早凉 heat [effusion] (fever) in the evening that abates by the morning
- 早热暮凉 heat [effusion] (fever) in the morning that abates by the evening
- 汗出热不退 heat [effusion] (fever) unabated by sweating
- 但热不寒 heat [effusion] (fever) without aversion to cold
- 发热无汗 heat [effusion] (fever) without sweating
- 热 heat [effusion] (fever)\HALT \NOUN