青风内障 green-blue wind internal obstruction泻清各半汤 Green-Blue--Draining Half-and-Half Decoction泻青丸 Green-Blue--Draining Pill青 green-blue\HALT \ADJ青腿牙疳 green-leg gan1 of the tooth and gum灰质 grey matter格 grid哀 grief冤 grievance大白药 Griffith's marsdenia垢 grime\HALT \NOUN, grimy \ADJ面垢 grimy facial complexion大便溏垢 grimy sloppy stool垢苔 grimy tongue fur苔垢 grimy tongue fur研碎 grind研磨 grind碾 grind磨 grind磨 grind咬 grind (the teeth)齘 grind (the teeth)研末调敷 grind and apply mixed研末油调敷 grind and apply mixed with oil研 grind finely语际翻译 版权所有
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