莱阳参 glehnia [root]银条参 glehnia [root]辽沙参 glehnia [root]千日红 globe amaranth [flower and root]河豚子 globefish egg河豚目 globefish eye河豚 globefish flesh河豚鱼肝油 globefish liver oil河豚毒 globefish poison金莲花 globeflower滚山虫 glomeris脘痞作胀 glomus and distention in the stomach duct痞满 glomus and fullness痞硬不喜按 glomus and hearness that does not like pressure胸脘痞闷 glomus and oppression in the chest and stomach duct胃脘痞闷 glomus and oppression in the stomach duct心下痞 glomus below the heart痞塞 glomus blockage胸痢 glomus in the chest胸痞 glomus in the chest腹中痞块 glomus lumps in the abdomen痞气 glomus qi4痞根 Glomus Root痞满不快 glomus, fullness, and discomfort消痞阿魏丸 Glomus-Dispersing Asafetida Pill语际翻译 版权所有
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