- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 肠胃湿热积滞 gastrointestinal damp-heat accumulation
- 肠胃不和 gastrointestinal disharmony
- 调和肠胃 gastrointestinal harmonization
- 肠胃热毒 gastrointestinal heat toxin
- 胃肠蠕动亢进 gastrointestinal hyperperistalsis
- 胃肠胀气 gastrointestinal qi4 distention
- 肠胃虚寒 gastrointestinal vacuity cold
- 胃石 gastrolith
- 胃下垂 gastroptosia
- 关梁 Gate Beam
- 殷门 Gate of Abundance
- 咽门 gate of the throat
- 阙 gate tower
- 阙俞 Gate Tower Transport
- 通关丸 Gate-Freeing Pill
- 通关散 Gate-Freeing Powder
- 开关散 Gate-Opening Powder
- 医门黑锡丹 Gateway to Medicine Galenite Elixir
- 门 gate\HALT \NOUN
- 关 gate\HALT \NOUN
- 攒 gather
- 聚而为饮 gather to form rheum
- 撮 gather together
- 聚英 Gathered Blooms
- 针灸聚英 Gathered Blooms of Acupuncture and Moxibustion