肝失疏泄 failure of the liver's free coursing儿脐不合 failure of the umbilicus to heal in infants水土不服 failure to acclimatize to a new environment大便不解 failure to defecate衣被不敛 failure to keep clothing and bedclothes on失权 failure to perform its office失职 failure to perform its office无权 failure to perform its office不举 failure to rise不起 failure to rise夜寐不酣 failure to sleep soundly不乳 failure to take milk温运失职 failure to warm and move晕倒 faint晕厥 faint气微 faint breath息微 faint breathing气微力弱 faint breathing and lack of strength言语低微 faint low voice语音低微 faint low voice语声低微 faint low voice斑疹隐隐欲现 faint macules and pupules trying to appear斑疹隐隐 faint maculopapular eruptions口鼻气微 faint nose and mouth breath脉微 faint pulse语际翻译 版权所有
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