- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 先攻后补 first attack, then supplement
- 子 first earthly branch
- 甲字汤 First Heavenly Branch Decoction
- 甲 first heavenly stem
- 先别阴阳 first identify yin1 and yang2
- 回肠 first part of large intestine
- 血脱先益气 first priority in blood desertion is to boost qi4
- 先补后攻 first supplement, then attack
- 一加减正气散 First Variant Qi4-Righting Powder
- 一阳 first yang2 [channel]
- 一阴 first yin1 [channel]
- 杉篱 firwood matting
- 鱼 fish
- 食鱼蟹中毒 fish and crab food poisoning
- 鱼腹 fish belly
- 鱼腹 Fish Belly
- 鱼胆眼膏 Fish Bile Eye Paste
- 鲠 fish bone
- 鱼刺鲠喉 fish bones stuck in the throat
- 鱼骨鲠喉 fish bones stuck in the throat
- 鱼际 Fish Border
- 鱼脑膏 Fish Brain Paste
- 柴鱼 fish flakes
- 石腊红 fish geranium
- 鱼虱子 fish louse