托里瘀排脓 expel pus by internal expression驱蛔止痛 expel roundworm and relieve pain逐瘀 expel stasis排石 expel stones排除结石 expel stones驱绦虫 expel tapeworm逐水 expel water逐水泻火 expel water and drain fire驱风 expel wind驱虫 expel worms驱虫攻下 expel worms by offensive precipitation追 expel\HALT \VERB排 expel\HALT \VERB逐 expel\HALT \VERB驱 expel\HALT \VERB验 experiment绝阳 expiration of yang2绝 expire\HALT \VERB, expiry \NOUN肺气衰绝 expiry of lung qi4乙癸败绝 expiry of S2 (liver) and S10 (kidney)绝汗 expiry sweating方义 explanation of the formula乘 exploit\HALT \VERB探 explore晒 expose to the sun语际翻译 版权所有
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