- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 天宦 earlier-heaven eunuchism
- 天哮 earlier-heaven wheezing
- 耳垂 earlobe
- 早 early
- 初 early
- 晨 early morning
- 晨泄 early morning diarrhea
- 清晨泄 early morning diarrhea
- 月经先期而至 early periods
- 月经先期 early periods
- 初期 early stage
- 耳环石斛 earring dendrobium
- 地廓 earth belt
- 土生金 earth engenders metal
- 土生万物 earth engenders the myriad things
- 土不制水 earth failing to dam water
- 土不生金 earth failing to engender metal
- 地五 Earth Five
- 地五会 Earth Fivefold Convergence
- 土疳 earth gan1
- 地仓 Earth Granary
- 土爰稼穑 earth is the sowing and reaping
- 地部 earth level
- 土喜温燥 earth likes warmth and dryness
- 土克水 earth restrains water