- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 蠲 eliminate
- 矫臭 eliminate bad odor
- 开盲明目 eliminate blindness and brighten the eyes
- 除血热 eliminate blood heat
- 除湿 eliminate dampness
- 去宛陈莝 eliminate depressed stale water
- 除痫 eliminate epilepsy
- 去翳 eliminate eye screens
- 退翳 eliminate eye screens
- 去火毒 eliminate fire toxin
- 除满 eliminate fullness
- 除胃满 eliminate gastric fullness
- 除痞 eliminate glomus
- 除痞硬 eliminate glomus and hardness
- 甘温除大热 eliminate great heat with warmth and sweetness
- 去心烦 eliminate heart vexation
- 除血脉中之热 eliminate heat from the blood vessels
- 甘温除热 eliminate heat with warmth and sweetness
- 除痹 eliminate impediment
- 除痹痛 eliminate impediment pain
- 除下焦湿热 eliminate lower burner damp-heat
- 除瘴截疟 eliminate miasma and interrupt malaria
- 除温热久留 eliminate persistent warm-heat
- 除痰 eliminate phlegm
- 除痰饮 eliminate phlegm-rheum