

舌胀大    distended enlarged tongue
卵胀    distended testicles
木胀舌    distended wooden tongue
胀痛    distending pain
乳房胀痛    distending pain in the breast
经行乳房胀痛    distending pain in the breasts during menstruation
胁下胀痛    distending pain in the rib-side
食入作胀    distention after eating
肚腹胀大    distention and enlargement of the abdomen
腹中胀痛    distention and fullness in the abdomen
心腹胀满    distention and fullness in the heart [region] and abdomen
妊娠心腹胀满    distention and fullness in the heart [region] and abdomen in pregnancy
脐腹胀满    distention and fullness in the umbilical region
腹中胀闷    distention and oppression in the abdomen
胸腹胀闷    distention and oppression in the chest and abdomen
胃脘胀闷    distention and oppression in the stomach duct
脘膈间胀闷多嗳    distention and oppression in the stomach duct and diaphragm with frequent belching
胀痛    distention and pain
脘腹胀痛拒按    distention and pain in stomach duct and abdomen that likes pressure
腹中胀痛    distention and pain in the abdomen
胸部胀痛    distention and pain in the chest
胸腹胀痛    distention and pain in the chest and abdomen
头部胀痛    distention and pain in the head
头胀痛    distention and pain in the head
乳房胀痛    distention and pain of the breast
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