- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 宣散气郁 diffuse qi4 depression
- 泛红 diffuse red
- 宣散肺中滞气 diffuse stagnant qi4 in the lung
- 漫肿 diffuse swelling
- 宣肺 diffuse the lung
- 宣肺平喘 diffuse the lung and calm panting
- 宣肺利水 diffuse the lung and disinhibit water
- 宣肺祛痰 diffuse the lung and dispel phlegm
- 宣肺降逆 diffuse the lung and downbear counterflow
- 宣肺通气 diffuse the lung and free qi4
- 宣肺化痰 diffuse the lung and transform phlegm
- 辛散宣肺 diffuse the lung with dissipating acridity
- 宣通气分 diffuse the qi4 aspect
- 宣白 diffuse the white
- 宣 diffuse\HALT \VERB, diffusion \NOUN
- 宣剂 diffusing formula
- 宣可去壅 diffusing [medicinals] can eliminate congestion
- 通宣理肺丸 Diffusing-Freeing Lung-Rectifying Pill
- 宣散 diffusion
- 挖 dig
- 掘 dig
- 掘进(一) Dig Forward \#1
- 掘进(二) Dig Forward \#2
- 掘进(三) Dig Forward \#3
- 掘进(四) Dig Forward \#4