- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 待 deal with
- 死舌 death tongue
- 子死腹中 death {in utero}
- 胎死腹中 death {in utero}
- 尸厥 deathlike reversal
- 身体衰弱 debilitated health
- 体衰 debilitated health
- 神衰 debilitated spirit
- 衰 debilitate\HALT \VERB, debilitation \NOUN
- 衰微 debilitate\HALT \VERB; debilitation \NOUN
- 衰弱 debilitate\HALT \VERB; debilitation\NOUN
- 衰微 debilitation
- 因其衰而彰之 debilitation is treated by brightening
- 高年精衰 debilitation of essence in old age
- 肾阳衰微 debilitation of kidney yang2
- 肾阳虚衰 debilitation of kidney yang2
- 命门火衰 debilitation of the life gate fire
- 脾胃衰弱 debilitation of the spleen and stomach
- 冲任虚衰 debilitation of the thoroughfare and controlling vessels
- 湿胜阳微 debilitation of yang2 due to prevalence of dampness
- 阳气虚衰 debilitation of yang2 qi4
- 阴阳俱微 debilitation of yin1 and yang2
- 微 debilitation\HALT \NOUN
- 年老体衰 debility in old age
- 衰者补之 debility is treated by supplementing