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台湾中医术语词汇    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


沙拐枣    calligonum
胝    callus
胼    callus
胼胝    callus
恬    calm
憺    calm
恬憺虚无    calm and empty of cares and desires
平熄内风    calm and extinguish internal wind
从容    calm and leisurely
平息    calm breathing
平旦    calm dawn watch
苦温平燥    calm dryness with warmth and bitterness
平肝阳    calm liver yang2
平喘    calm panting
定喘    calm panting
平喘止咳    calm panting and suppress cough
平肝    calm the liver
平肝清热    calm the liver and clear heat
平肝降逆    calm the liver and downbear counterflow
平肝熄风    calm the liver and extinguish wind
平肝息风    calm the liver and extinguish wind
平肝止痛    calm the liver and relieve pain
平肝解郁    calm the liver and resolve depression
平肝潜阳    calm the liver and subdue yang2
阴平阳秘    calm yin1 and sound yang2
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