急性肾小球肾炎 acute glomerulonephritis急性黄疸型传染性肝炎 acute icteric infectious hepatitis儿枕急痛 acute infant's-pillow pain急黄 acute jaundice急性喉炎 acute laryngitis急性白血病 acute leukemia急喉喑 acute loss of voice急性腰扭伤 acute lumbar sprain急性淋巴结炎 acute lymphadenitis急性乳腺炎 acute mastitis急性脊髓炎 acute myelitis急乳蛾 acute nipple most聪 acute of hearing急性睪丸炎 acute orchitis急痛 acute pain挟脐急痛 acute pain either side of the umbilicus急性胰腺炎 acute pancreatitis急性盆腔炎 acute pelvic inflammation急性咽炎 acute pharyngitis急性蜂窝组织炎 acute phlegmona cellulitis急性前列腺炎 acute prostatitis急性肾盂肾炎 acute pyelonephritis急性肾功能衰竭 acute renal failure急性鼻炎 acute rhinitis颈部急性软组织损伤 acute soft tissue injury of the neck语际翻译 版权所有
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