- 中医词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 传化水谷 transmission and transformation of food
- 传变 transmission of disease, progress of disease
- 运行全身气血 transporting qi and blood in the whole body
- 跌打损伤 traumatic injury
- 异病同治 treating different diseases with the same therapy
- 塞因塞用 treating obstructive syndrome with tonifying therapy
- 寒因寒用 treating pseudo-cold syndrome with herbs of cold nature
- 热因热用 treating pseudo-heat syndrome with herbs of heat nature
- 同病异治 treating the same disease with different therapies
- 辨证论治 treatment based on syndrome differentiation
- 标本兼治 treatment focusing on relieving both the secondary and primary symptoms
- 治病求本 treatment of disease must concentrate on the principle cause of disease
- 真热假寒 true heat and false cold
- 十二经别 twelve branches of meridians
- 十二经筋 twelve meridian tendons
- 十二正经 twelve regular meridians
- 十二皮部 twelve skin areas, twelve skin regions/divisions
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