- 中医词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 耳针疗法 ear acupuncture treatment
- 土爰稼穑 earth is characterized by cultivation and reaping
- 脾虚水肿 edema due to spleen deficiency
- 奇经八脉 eight extraordinary vessels, eight extraordinary meridians
- 十八反与十九畏 eighteen incompatible herbs and nineteen herbs of mutual antagonism
- 清除杂质 eliminating impurity
- 祛瘀 eliminating stasis, expelling stasis
- 形体消瘦 emaciation
- 面黄肌瘦 emaciation with sallow complexion
- 吐法 emetic therapy, vomiting therapy
- 湿浊内生 endogenous turbid dampness
- 补血养心 enriching blood to nourish the heart
- 滋水涵木 enriching water to nourish wood
- 脘腹胀闷 epigastric distension and depression
- 嗳气酸腐 eructation with fetid odor
- 病因学说 etiology
- 气分热盛 excessive heat at qi phase
- 排泄糟粕 excretion of waste material
- 泻而不藏 excretion without storage
- 功法训练 exercise for practicing tuina
- 气随津脱 exhaustion of qi due to loss of body fluid
- 外感发热 exogenous fever
- 祛风解痉 expelling wind to relieve convulsion
- 祛风散寒 expelling/eliminating wind to dispersing cold
- 表里关系 exterior and interior relation
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