- 中医词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 行针 manipulating the needle
- 推拿手法 manipulations for tuina, manipulating techniques
- 本草 materia medica, herbs
- 医疗实践 medical practice
- 外用膏剂 medicinal extract for exterior application
- 地道不通 menopause
- 精神活动 mental activities
- 经穴 meridian acupoints, Jing-River acupoint
- 经络感传 meridian conduction, channel transmission
- 经络现象 meridian phenomena
- 经气 meridian qi
- 归经 meridian tropism
- 金曰从革 metal is characterized by change
- 进针手法 methods for inserting the needle
- 游走性关节疼痛 migratory arthralgias
- 作用和缓 mild effect
- 镜面舌 mirror-like tongue
- 开水冲服 mixing in boiled water for oral taking
- 调和诸药 moderating the property of herbs
- 随症加减 modification according to symptoms
- 方剂的加减 modification of prescriptions
- 濡养肌肤 moistening and nourishing the skin
- 滋养脏腑 moistening and nourishing the viscera
- 君臣佐使 monarch, minister, assistant and guide
- 运动变化 motion and variation
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