- 中医词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 活动受限 confined activity
- 先天之精 congenital essence
- 联络脏腑肢节 connecting with viscera, limbs and joints
- 伤津脱液 consumption and loss of the body fluid
- 津伤化燥 consumption of fluid transforming into dryness
- 热盛耗伤津液 consumption of the body fluid due to excessive heat
- 经脉拘急收引 contraction of tendons
- 用药禁忌 contraindication in using herbs
- 四肢抽搐 convulsion of the limbs
- 方位配五行 correspondence of the directions to the five elements
- 痰饮咳嗽 cough due to fluid retention
- 暴饮暴食 craputence
- 养生防病 cultivating health to prevent disease
- 治疗效果 curative / therapeutic effect
当前第2页 共2页