- 中文饮食、菜名词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 瓤黄瓜 Stuffed cucumber
- 瓤土鲮鱼 Stuffed dace
- 大酿鸭脯 Stuffed duck breast in wine
- 瓤青椒 Stuffed green pepper
- 烧瓤用明虾拼乳鸽 Stuffed king prawns and roast pigeon
- 瓤冬菇盒 Stuffed mushroom
- 瓤柿子椒 Stuffed pepper
- 装馅烤小牛肉 Stuffed roast veal
- 瓤羊肚菌 Stuffed sheep′s tripe with mushroom
- 蕃茄肉包 Stuffed tomato
- 酱瓤肚 Stuffed tripe in soy sauce
- 瓤冬瓜 Stuffed winter melon(white gourd)
- 栗子鸡 Stwed chicken with chestnuts
- 鲜蘑素烩 Stwed mixed vegetables with straw mushroom
- 牛油布丁 Suet pudding
- 冰糖莲籽 Sugar candy lotus seeds
- 冰糖肉 Sugar Candy pork
- 糖开水 Sugar water
- 马粒糕 Sugary sponge cake
- 鸡素烧 Sukiyaki
- 水果冰淇淋 Sundae
- 玉宇葵花 “ Sunflower of universe”cold dish
- 葵花扣豆腐 “ Sunflower”steamed bean curd
- 晚霞映牛舌 Sunset ox tongue(tongue in tomato sauce)
- 日光槽糕 Sunshine cake