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中国环境与资源法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(二)瓦斯爆炸、煤尘爆炸;    (2) gas blast and coal dust explosion;
  (二)逐步实现电动机、风机、泵类设备和系统的经济运行,发展电机调速节电和电力电子节电技术,开发、生产、推广质优、价廉的节能器材,提高电能利用效率;    (2) gradually achieve more-efficient operation of electric motors, fans, pumping equipment and systems; develop adjustable speed motor drives for energy conservation and electric-electronic power saving technology; develop, produce and disseminate the use of high-quality and low-cost energy-efficient appliances and equipment; and increase the efficiency of electric power;
  (二)应急通信保障;    (2) guarantee of emergency telecommunications;
(四)非军事的高等学校毕业学生;    (4) graduates from non-military institutions of higher learning; and
(六)防瓦斯系统和防尘系统;    (6) gas control system and dust control system;
贡嗄山国家级自然保护区    Gonggashan Mountain National Nature Reserve
各级人民政府应当通过宣传、教育等措施,鼓励公众购买和使用节能、节水、废物再生利用等有利于环境与资源保护的产品。    Governments at all levels shall engage in the measures of publicity, education or training to encourage the public to purchase and use products conducive to energy and water conservation, waste reuse, environmental protection and resource conservation.
抓紧组织编制自然保护区的保护和建设规划,逐步增加投入,不断完善自然保护区的配套设施建设,    grasp time in the organization for the compilation of protection and construction plans of the nature reserves, gradually increase input, constantly perfect the construction of matching facilities in the nature reserves,
中华人民共和国草原法    Grassland Law of the People's Republic of China
  全民所有的草原,可以固定给集体长期使用。全民所有的草原、集体所有的草原和集体长期固定使用的全民所有的草原,可以由集体或者个人承包从事畜牧业生产。    Grasslands under ownership by the whole people may be assigned to collectives for long-term use. Grasslands under ownership by the whole people, those under collective ownership, and those under ownership by the whole people that are assigned to collectives for long-term use may be contracted by collectives or individuals for pursuits in animal husbandry.
广东省    Guangdong Province
贵州省    Guizhou Province
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