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  (一)新建、扩建、改建建设工程,对地震监测设施或者地震观测环境造成危害,又未依法事先征得同意并采取相应措施的;    (1) building, expanding or rebuilding projects which jeopardize the facilities for earthquake monitoring or the environment for seismicity observation, and doing it without obtaining approval in advance in accordance with law or taking the necessary measures; or
  (一)属于重大建设工程的建筑物、构筑物;    (1) buildings and structures which come under the category of major construction projects;
  (二)可能发生严重次生灾害的建筑物、构筑物;    (2) buildings and structures which may induce serious secondary disasters;
  (三)有重大文物价值和纪念意义的建筑物、构筑物;    (3) buildings and structures which are of great cultural relic value and are memorable; and
(三)冲击地压、瓦斯突出、井喷;    (3) bumps, gas outburst and blowout;
  (四)地震重点监视防御区的建筑物、构筑物。    (4) buildings and structures which are located in the key areas under surveillance for and protection against earthquakes.
2、 企业基本情况,包括企业规模、主营业务、发展现状和发展规划等;    (b) Basic information of the enterprise, including the scale, main business, the status quo and future development planning;
(2)国际先进的煤层气勘探开发技术及相应的技术队伍;    (b) Internationally advanced technology of coal-bed methane prospecting and exploitation as well as technical people in command of it;
建设项目在投入生产或者使用之前,其环境噪声污染防治设施必须经原审批环境影响报告书的环境保护行政主管部门验收;达不到国家规定要求的,该建设项目不得投入生产或者使用。    Before a construction project is put into production or use, its facilities for prevention and control of environmental noise pollution must be inspected by the competent administrative department for environmental protection that originally approved the environmental impact statement; if such facilities fail to meet the requirements of the State, the construction project may not be put into production or use.
  审查批准煤矿企业,须由地质矿产主管部门对其开采范围和资源综合利用方案进行复核并签署意见。    Before examining and approving the application for establishing a coal mining enterprise, it is necessary for the department in charge of geology and mineral resources to verify the proposed limits of mining and the plan for comprehensive utilization of the resources and write down its comments with signature.
广播、电视播出单位改变气象预报节目播发时间安排的,应当事先征得有关气象台站的同意;    Before making any changes in the timeslots for broadcasting meteorological forecast, the radio and television stations shall first seek consent of the meteorological offices or stations concerned.
  在林木、林地权属争议解决以前,任何一方不得砍伐有争议的林木。    Before the dispute regarding the rights of trees and woodlands is resolved, no party shall cut trees in dispute.
???在水面、滩涂所有权和使用权的争议解决以前,任何一方不得破坏养殖生产。    Before the disputes over ownership and rights to the use of certain water surfaces or tidal flats are solved, no party may disrupt fishery production in the disputed areas.
其可行性研究报告按照国家规定的基本建设程序报请批准前,其中的工程建设方案应当经有关水行政主管部门根据前述防洪要求审查同意。    Before the feasibility study report of the involved project is to be submitted for approval according to the procedures set by the state for capital construction, the engineering construction scheme included in the report should be subjected to the examination and approval of the relevant water conservancy administrative department in accordance with the requirements for flood control as mentioned above.
达不到规定要求的锅炉,不得制造、销售或者进口。    boilers that do not meet the prescribed requirements shall not be permitted to be manufactured, sold or imported.
再生资源回收经营者可以通过电话、互联网等形式与居民、企业建立信息互动,实现便民、快捷的回收服务。    Business operator of recovery of the renewable resources may contact residents and enterprises by means of phone and internet so as to provide convenient and quick recovery.
申请人凭批准文件向工商行政管理部门申请领取营业执照后,方可从事煤炭经营。    By virtue of the document of approval, the applicant shall apply for a business license and may start coal trading business only after he obtains the license from the administrative department for industry and commerce.
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