最低运价 minimum rate最低运价协定 minimun rate agreement最低运价协定 minimun rate agreement英国运输部油轮标准运价 Ministry of Transportation Tanker Schedule of Freight Rate {=
MOT rate}英国运输部油轮标准运价 Ministry of Transportation Tanker Schedule of Freight Rate {=
MOT rate}误交 mis-delivery; wrong delivery误交 mis-delivery; wrong delivery杂项货 miscellaneous cargo杂项货 miscellaneous cargo诈报 misrepresentation诈报 misrepresentation混载货[物];混合货物 mixed cargo混载货[物];混合货物 mixed cargo混装货柜 mixed commodity box; mixed container混装货柜 mixed commodity box; mixed container系船费 moorage系船费 moorage增减由船东选择{货量} more or less at owner's option {= MOLOO}增减由船东选择{货量} more or less at owner's option {= MOLOO}受抵押人 mortagee受抵押人 mortagee抵押[权] mortgage抵押[权] mortgage抵押契约 mortgage deed抵押契约 mortgage deed 语际翻译 版权所有
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