- 航运专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 体积货 cubic cargo
- 体积货 cubic cargo
- 立方公尺 cubic meter {= CBM}
- 立方公尺 cubic meter {= CBM}
- 币值附加费 currency adjustment factor {= CAF}; currency surchange {= CS}
- 币值附加费 currency adjustment factor {= CAF}; currency surchange {= CS}
- 现行汇率 current exchange rate
- 现行汇率 current exchange rate
- 港口惯例;港口习惯 custom of port {= COP}
- 港口惯例;港口习惯 custom of port {= COP}
- 习惯快速装卸 customary despatch; customary quick despatch {= CQD}
- 习惯快速装卸 customary despatch; customary quick despatch {= CQD}
- 报关行 customs broker
- 报关行 customs broker
- 结关费 customs clearing fee
- 结关费 customs clearing fee
- 关税 customs duties; duty
- 关税 customs duties; duty
- 海关准单 customs permit
- 海关准单 customs permit
- 海关税则 customs tariff
- 海关税则 customs tariff
- 海关仓库 customs warehouse
- 海关仓库 customs warehouse
- 整装折让 CY discount