- 航运专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 船边收交货运价 berth rate
- 定期船运务 berth service
- 定期船运务 berth service
- 定期船条件佣船;定期船条件运约 berth term charter
- 定期船条件佣船;定期船条件运约 berth term charter
- 码头[收]交货条件 berth terms
- 码头[收]交货条件 berth terms
- 双边承运协定 bilateral arrangement
- 双边承运协定 bilateral arrangement
- 出口结关单;出港证书 bill of clearance
- 出口结关单;出港证书 bill of clearance
- 进口[报]关单 bill of entry
- 进口[报]关单 bill of entry
- 汇票 bill of exchange
- 汇票 bill of exchange
- 健康证书 bill of health; health certificate
- 健康证书 bill of health; health certificate
- 载货证券条例 Bill of Lading Act
- 载货证券条例 Bill of Lading Act
- 提单;载货证券 bill of lading {= B/L}
- 提单;载货证券 bill of lading {= B/L}
- [进口货物]查验单 bill of sight {= b/st}
- [进口货物]查验单 bill of sight {= b/st}
- 不记名载货证券 blank B/L
- 不记名载货证券 blank B/L