- 教育学专业词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 批评课 criticism lesson
- 诘问考试 cross-examination
- 群众心理学 Crowd psychology; Psychology of crowd
- 概约众数 crude mode
- 托儿所;育婴所 crèche
- 陶冶;教化 cultivation
- 文化教育 cultural education
- 文化;修养 culture
- 文化教育学 Culture pedagogy
- 文化学科 culture subject
- 累积误差 cumulative error
- 时事教学 current events instruction
- 课程分化 curricula-differentiation; differentiated curriculum
- 课程 curriculum
- 曲线 curve
- 曲线图 curve diagram
- 错误曲线 curve of error; error curve
- 遗忘曲线 curve of forgetting; forgetting curve
- 进步曲线 curve of improvement; improvement curve
- 学习曲线 curve of learning; learning curve
- 记忆曲线 curve of memory; memory curve
- 常态分配曲线 curve of normal distribution
- 练习曲线 curve of practice; practice curve
- 工作曲线 curve of work; work curve
- 肤觉 cutaneous sensation; skin sensation
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