- 教育学专业词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 可教性 educability
- 教育 education
- 智能障碍教育 education for mental retardation
- 国防教育 education for national defense
- 盲聋哑教育 education of blind and deaf-mute
- 聋哑教育 education of deaf and dumb
- 休闲教育 education of leisure
- 孤儿教育 education of orphan
- 受刑人教育 education of prisoner
- 意志教育 education of will
- 教育行政 educational administration
- 教育行政人员 educational administrator
- 教育年龄 educational age {= E.A.}
- 教育法案;教育草案 educational bill
- 教育电影 educational cinema
- 教育会议 educational conference
- 教育评论 educational criticism
- 教育资料 educational data
- 教育法令 educational decree
- 教育决定论 educational determinism
- 教育诊断 educational diagnosis; pedagogical diagnosis
- 教育辞典 educational dictionary
- 教育效率 educational efficiency
- 教育捐款;教育基金 educational endowment
- 参观教学 educational excursion
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