- 教育学专业词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 登记;入学;注册 enrollment; registration
- 入学考试 entrance examination
- 摘要法 epitome method
- 等组法 equivalent-group method
- 世界语 Esperanto
- 论文式考试;申论方式测验 essay-type examination
- 美感判断 esthetic judgment
- 美育[教]学 esthetic pedagogy
- 伦理教育 ethical education
- 伦理学 Ethics
- 优生学 Eugenics
- 夜校 evening school; Night school
- 进化论派教育学 Evolutionistic pedagogy
- 考试;检查 examination
- 考试制度 examination system
- 学生交换 exchange of students
- 交换教授 exchange professors
- 例证;范例;楷模 exemplification
- 免除;豁免 exemption
- 预期注意 expectant attention
- 教学费用 expense of instruction
- 实验教学法 experimental didactics
- 实验教育 experimental education
- 实验组 experimental group
- 实验法 experimental method; laboratory method