- 教育学专业词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 日课表 daily program; daily schedule; programme; time schedule
- 道尔顿计画{个别化自我学习} Dalton plan
- 托儿中心;托儿所 day care center
- 白日梦 day dream
- 学院院长 dean
- 男生训导{史} Dean of men
- 女生训导{史} Dean of women
- 演绎法 deductive method
- 降级;降等 degrade
- 延宕反应 delayed reaction
- 民本教育 democratic education
- 示范 demonstration
- 演示课 demonstration lesson
- 示范法 demonstration method; method of demonstration
- 示范学校 demonstration school
- 示范教学 demonstration teaching
- 教派学校{基督宗教} denominational school; sectarian school
- 区;科;部;系 department
- 教育学系 department of education; educational department
- 分科教学 departmental teaching
- 精读 detailed reading
- 扣留;拘禁;处罚学生放学后留校 detention
- 留置惩罚 detention punishment
- 启发式教学 developmental mode of teaching; heuristic mode of teaching
- 诊断 diagnosis
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