- 教育学专业词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 删涂测验 cancellation test
- 容量 capacity
- 案例法 case history method; case method; case study method
- 案例教学法 case method of instruction
- 个案研究[法] case study method
- 案例分组法 case-group method
- 教义问答教学法{要理问答教学法} catechetic; catechism; catechetic method
- 高级教义问答学校;天主教进阶要理班 Catechetical school
- 初级教义问答学校;天主教望教友要理班 Catechumenal school
- 主教座堂学校;圣公会学校 Cathedral school; Episcopal school
- 天主教教学法 catholic pedagogy
- 溯因考察 causal investigation
- 兴趣中心 center of interest
- 中央学校{十九世纪初期英国国教派创设的基础学校} central school
- 集中趋势 central tendency
- 集权制 centralized system
- 证书 certificate
- 合格证照教师 certificated teacher
- 检定 certification
- 教员检定 certification of teachers
- 机误 chance error; probable error
- 校长{大学} chancellor; president
- 性格;品格 character
- 品格培养 character building; formation of character
- 品格诊断;品性诊断 character diagnosis
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