会话法 conversational method毕业生集会 convocation of graduates烹调学校;烹饪学校 cooking school合作教育 cooperative education合作学校{美} cooperative school体罚 corporal punishment社团学校{美} corporation school矫正教育{智能障碍教育} Correctional education; Corrective education相关表 correlation table函授学校 correspondence school地方公立学校{英} council school {country school}地方公立中等学校{英} council secondary school {country secondary school}科目 course教学科目 course of instruction大学管理部门 court of university宫廷学校 Court school; Palace school填鸭式教育;死记硬背 cramming补习班 cramming school有创造力的活动 creative activity有创造力的教育 creative education学分 credit残障教育 cripple education残障学校 cripple school; school for defective; school for the physically
disabled批判教育学 Critical pedagogy批判分数 critical score 语际翻译 版权所有
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