复合反应 complex reaction; complex response综合中学{美} composite high school; comprehensive high school; cosmopolitan high
school综合试验;综合测验 comprehensive examination强迫就学 compulsory attendance; forced attendance at school义务教育 compulsory education义教年龄 compulsory school age同心圆方法 concentric circle method条件式升级 conditional promotion;制约反射 conditioned reflex制约反应 conditioned response制约刺激 conditioned stimulus行为;操行 conduct禁闭 confinement punishment良心 conscience意识 consciousness音乐学校 conservatory; music school常误 constant error持续的课程 constant in curricula; curricula-constant课程建构 construction of curriculum测验编制 construction of test谘询委员会;谘议委员会 consultative committee继续学校;进修学校 continuation school继续教育 continuing education控制组 control group女修道院 convent 语际翻译 版权所有
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